Coffee Talk: My Relationship with Raw Milk

Hi ya’ll,

Happy Coffee Talk! This week I’m sharing my relationship with milk and raw milk, which is definitely intertwined with my own health and wellness journey.

My birth experience was this: I was born a month early, and they put me in the NICU and started feeding me soy formula. So I was not breastfed. The marketing at that time was that formula can be just as equal to breast milk—it has the same vitamins and nutrients and was convenient. Both of my parents remember that I kept vomiting everyday. I couldn’t keep the soy formula down.

Fast forward a little bit. I was on the standard vaccine schedule for kids at that time. My signs and symptoms of asthma developed after a vaccine injection. I’ve worked with many healers over the years, and what we’ve come to is that my birth experience and the things that have happened in the first two years of my life have been a perfect storm of things that have contributed to the diagnosis of asthma in my health history.

The first thing I was introduced to in the health and wellness world was eliminating diary because it contributes to snotty nose, allergies, and histamine reactions. So I eliminated commercial dairy. And my symptoms were alleviated almost immediately.

What I’ve done recently is adding raw goat’s milk back into my diet when I lived in Venice, CA—and that seemed to be great. Then slowly I started adding raw cow’s milk back into my diet, and there was no increase in asthma symptoms. Over the last 2 years or so, I’ve heavily included raw milk into my diet—that means I cook with it and drink it. Over the last 2-3 months, I’ve started incorporating more fermented raw milk products.

The reason I wanted to share about this and get this conversation started is because what my intuition was telling me was, “Lindsey you need this stuff.” And it’s confirmed in the book The Untold Story of Milk: Green Pastures, Contented Cows, and Raw Dairy Products by Ron Schmid, ND.

The book cites many studies that show that fermented milk products have powerful bactericidal properties. Researchers also noted that ear and throat infections and pneumonia occurred far less often in the fermented milk fed infants and the hospital’s antibiotic expenses dropped by over 75% when fermented milk was introduced. Now do we think big Pharma had a role in getting rid of raw milk?



Lindsey Mathews