My Wedding Week

This is our wedding week! It’s wild for me to type that and say that out loud. It feels surreal. 

Lance and I officially met in May 2020 at a “Murph” event at CrossFit Central in Downtown Austin. Doing the workout “Murph” has always been important to me since I was introduced to it via CrossFit. It’s always been more than a workout. It’s been a way for me to embrace humility and send up prayers and love to those epic humans, like LT. Michael Murphy, that paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy in this moment. 

We met at the end of the workout when his dog Z ran up to me as I was talking to someone else. I was instantly drawn to the energy and goodness in this dog. Lance slowly walked up. I remember looking at him and in his eyes. I knew without a doubt that I would be seeing him again. There was an energy that took over my whole body that I never even admitted to him. I just knew there was something special about him. 

Lance and I are sure our paths crossed multiple times without us realizing it nor it being the right time. While I was in Los Angeles in the CrossFit community, he was working with CrossFit HQ and back and forth with the Austin CrossFit community. In a previous chapter of Lance’s life he taught CrossFit seminars in South America and was a judge at the CrossFit Games when they were held in Los Angeles. In a previous chapter of my life, I helped to open DEUCE Gym and coached there for five years. I was also a chiropractor to many of the CrossFit Games Athletes in 2012 and 2013 seasons including Hack’s Pack, Sam Briggs, Lindsey Valenzuela, and more. Per our friends, we both attended a group dinner together, and we each only have a vague memory of that dinner.

We both believe that we met at the right time of our lives. We’ve each been through enough shit to know what we want in life, relationship, and love. In fact, our first date was multiple hours long—lunch and top golf—asking all the important questions you ask as late thirty somethings embarking on a new relationship.

A few of my questions… 

“Are you open to a home birth?” 

“Are you open to no vaccinations for our children?” 

A few of his questions… 

“What does marriage mean to you?” 

“Are you open to changing your last name?” 

With a filter like COVID and each of us asking our tough questions initially, we cleared the space to have some fun. We realized early on that we aligned on some of our big values. I think these were the boundaries that we needed in order to feel safe while also offering us space to be creative and explore within. We truly trusted the other person from early on. 

I feel at home with him next to me. I’m ready to grow in love with Lance.

Lindsey Mathews
The Autonomic Nervous System & Our Human Behavior

Science is always evolving. That’s the point. It’s designed to be questioned. And, we are allowed to change our minds about things. That’s a beautiful, messy thing about being human. The only constant is change.

Our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is quite possibly the most magnificent thing ever designed by Source. The ANS was once thought to be two-parts, acting reciprocally, with babies feeling no pain and having no memory. It was thought that the sympathetic was the stress response, and the parasympathetic was the rest and relaxation. 

This is not the case. Our Autonomic Nervous System is much more brilliant and complex than we originally hypothesized.

Majority of our behavior is ANS-driven. Think religion, politics, career, love, entertainment, etc. Politicians, actors, pastors, etc., all zone in on fear and sex as these are at the center of our biological design. 

We are designed to be in a perceived state of safety majority of the time (80%), with a few dabbles in perceived threat (20%). Health, growth, and restoration happens in a perceived state of safety, while survival or maintenance happens when there is a threat. Intimacy, orgasm, birth all happen when we feel safe and at home in our bodies. Reproduction, by biological design, does not happen when there is a perceived threat. This is the brilliance of our human bodies. 

Our nervous system is designed to enhance our survival and safety. It will perceive a threat. Once a threat is perceived our nervous system works backwards from the most modern branch to the oldest branch (social → sympathetic → parasympathetic). 

One branch does not solely operate in threat while another branch operates solely in safety. All three branches operate in safety and threat, depending on our development and how we were programmed, based on our nurturing and experiences. We all have behavioral patterns. These originate from our nervous system, which date back to conception and the first three to seven years of life. 

Are you mind blown yet? What reflections come up for you? Questions?

Lindsey Mathews
My Personal Viral Protocol

Back in early September, I got the divoc veerus. 

For those of you that don’t know, I am a practicing chiropractor. I have been exposed, hands on and breathing the same air as people since this whole scamdemic was started. I would see anywhere from 100-200 people a week. I have traveled via airplanes from state to state. I wore a CissyLala mask when a mask was required, but I refuse to wear a mask now and haven’t worn one in over 7-8 months.

I’ve read a lot about what’s going on and listened to a ton of podcasts and Youtube videos. As someone that experiences asthma every now and then, I did my research early and continued to do research. Nothing, absolutely nothing, has made sense to me in how government officials have handled this issue. It’s very apparent that after 600 days to “slow the curve” that those in charge do not care about health. 

Back to me and the veerus. On a Tuesday, I felt an intense headache so I checked my respiration on my WHOOP and it had elevated a little. My spidey senses went off. I knew it was divoc. I called one of my healthcare providers that I trust. He called in a prescription for the equine pills. My fiance picked it up on his way home from work from a local compounding pharmacy. By the time he’d gotten home from work, I had taken a nap and laid in front of the sauna lamp. I felt okay, but not good and definitely not great. 

This is when I upped my supplement and wellness game. Some of what is listed below is part of my daily routine and some is additional. Bullet point style: 

I chilled in bed, on the couch, in front of the sauna lamp, or in the sunshine for 3 days. I did feel like shit, but at no point was I worried that my body could not adapt. I monitored my oxygen saturation daily with a pulse oximeter to make sure I wasn't going down. At no point did asthma symptoms flare up and I did not have to use an inhaler; however, I did feel winded cardiovascularly, like I hadn’t ever worked out. On day 4, I was ready to take our dog for a longer walk. This was about a mile and half walk. I felt like I ran a damn 10K. Again, no asthma symptoms. Just felt like my endurance and stamina was never trained. On day 5, I started “training” again, which included an intentional strength and conditioning session (mild compared to before) and taking our dog for his long walk. It was hard, and I knew it was necessary. I felt pretty damn good by days 6 and 7. My taste and smell came back in less than two weeks. And now I have natural immunity :) 

Without a doubt, I believe my wellness lifestyle and how healthy I was going into this thing played a huge role in my recovery and the speediness of my recovery. I cannot stress enough to you how important it is to make health and wellness a priority in your life. Start with one thing today like walking 20 minutes or morning sunshine. Take care of yourself and prepare now, because no one, especially not our government officials, will save you.

Disclaimer: I want to be clear that this is MY protocol and in NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM MEDICAL ADVICE OR TO BE CONSTRUED AS “PREVENTION, TREATMENT OR CURE” OF ANYTHING. This is what I did for ME and my fiance based on my knowledge and experience. YOU MUST CONSULT WITH YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE PROVIDER!

I'm not your doctor and will not/can not answer your questions. 

Lindsey Mathews
Coffee Talk: A Year in Transition

For those of you new here, I wrote a book a little over a year ago called Coffee Talk. 

The book started as an IG story series called Coffee Talk. I would wake up, journal, and embrace reflections while having my morning coffee. Then, I would snap a lovely pic of myself to post with a summary of my reflections and/or questions as an IG story. And yes, at that time, it was always an IG story. 

Coffee Talk started as a way for me to really dig into and suck the marrow out of these big life changes that were happening all at the same time- a big break up, moving from CA to TX after living in Los Angeles for 13 years, leaving a business I helped to build from the ground up, saying goodbye to friends that had become family, and closing the chapter of my life in Los Angeles. It shook me at my core, and I’m so grateful I made time daily to write, cry, laugh, and grow. 

Coffee Talk: A Year in Transition is a collection of 40 of my favorites after posting to IG stories for a year straight. It’s a simple, yet effective way to get conversations started with yourself and/or others. 

Perhaps give someone the gift of Coffee Talk for Christmas or purchase an extra copy to bring to a holiday dinner. It’s time for us, as a collective, to go deeper. Use this book as a conversation starter. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE or find it in the shop.

Thank you so much for your continued support! 

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Lindsey Mathews
How I'm Navigating a Business Partnership When Values are in Question

I’m currently in the middle of reviewing a company that my company BIRTHFIT is partnered with. I have loved the brand for an incredibly long time. I have grown with the brand. My company has grown with the brand. This particular brand has supported the evolution of BIRTHFIT through some of its most unstable big steps.  

However, this brand crossed a huge line in the sand for me—the value of freedom, specifically medical freedom. They have recently mandated the jab for their employees, with room for exemption. To say I’m surprised, disappointed, and just really bummed out about it is an understatement. 

I’ve been in constant communication with this company. And for now, we will not be promoting them over on BIRTHFIT. If you know the brand I speak of, I’d strongly encourage you to communicate your opinions to them directly. I know they have a loyal fan base. And, as a business owner, I know the importance of listening to feedback from your community. What I’m surprised about the most is that they will research ingredients, extensive testing of products, and even manufacture in the USA, but will not investigate injections and/or big pharma. Look up where majority of big pharma products are made ( 🧐 China) and the ingredients along with side effects. Side note, you may need to use an alternative search engine. 

 With that, I encourage you to look at all companies and people you do business with. From your bookkeeping to your local coffee shop to the band or ring you wear on your arm…look up and investigate all company and business policies. I’d also look up where most of their products are made and/or sourced. To me, American made and sourced is a big priority because that means jobs and money stay in America.  

If you’re going to cancel one company because someone on social media did, please make sure you hold that same standard across the board.

It’s simple, not easy.

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Lindsey Mathews
5 Values That I Live in Alignment With

Hello Lovelies, 

I want you to know my values. That way you know if you want to stick around or not. 

My values:

  • Freedom

  • Love

  • Respect

  • Connection

  • Growth

These values are foundational pillars by which I have trained myself, and continue to train myself, to make choices from.

Yes, this means I support the 2nd Amendment and Medical Freedom. I believe in freedom of speech, critical thinking, and deep, meaningful discussions with all sides at the table. I value body sovereignty and, at the same time, I believe that abortion is the destruction of life. I feel that many in our country lack connection with their Source or God, respect for Nature’s innate intelligence has dwindled, and many make decisions out of fear instead of love. I also feel that we are living in a beautiful time in which we have the tools to take back our own personal power and to speak with our actions and dollars. We have the opportunity to significantly influence the world by taking responsibility for our health, our actions, and our role in every relationship, from nature to friendship to romance. 

By no means am I perfect. I learn every day just like many of you. I feel like I’ve learned to embrace the journey rather than the outcome over the last 10-15 years of my life. I use these core values (mentioned above) in how I vote, make wellness and medical choices, and definitely by which I make financial choices and planning. I am also constantly reflecting on these 5 to make sure they are still in alignment with my soul. Constant reflections and self check-ins are necessary for growth. 

Food for thought… It’s easy to stay the same. It’s easy to not ruffle feathers. It’s easy to just live a “safe” life, but are you living in alignment with your values across the board?

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Lindsey Mathews
It's been a year...
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I’ve missed y’all.

A lot has happened in the last year. And my intention is to be more consistent with communicating via blogs and newsletters here.

After the Pleasure Challenge wrapped in May 2020…

I met a man and fell in love. Yes, it was a surprise and completely unexpected. January of 2021 we moved in together in a cute little house next to the river in Wimberley, TX. I absolutely love living out of the city as it reminds me of adolescence. It’s quiet, simple, and the stars are big and bright.

I started an associate chiropractor position with Truly Chiropractic alongside Dr. Morgan Iles. For those of you that know me, you know that 2018 shook me at my core. I decided to take off practice as I could not even fill my cup. Long story short I took 2 years off of practice. When the shenanigans* hit in March 2020, a fire was lit and I was ready to be back in practice. I knew exactly how I wanted it to look and feel. Luckily, I met Dr. Morgan at one of the BIRTHFIT Seminars a year prior. We reconnected, and I was welcomed as an associate at Truly Chiropractic. I practice two days a week and love the community so much!

I have put more energy and time into my family relationships. When I lived in Los Angeles for 13 years, I’d see my family once or twice a year if I was lucky. Needless to say we were as close as we could be. However, the shenanigans gave us an opportunity to reconnect on a new, deeper levels. It has been fun getting to know family members again and them getting to know me again. A few of them thought they had lost me to extreme leftist ideologies while living in California. Just goes to show that our assumptions aren’t always accurate;) If you know me you know the most important thing to me is MEDICAL FREEDOM. I’m also a big believer in the 2nd Amendment and free speech.

I became a Merciér Therapist. To find out more about Merciér Therapy click the link and dive in. The therapy has the potential to be so beneficial in postpartum healing and fertility support. You can find more information as to how to work with me via this site. I’m currently seeing a select number of clients at my house (Wimberley) and Truly Chiropractic (Southwest Austin).

The BIRTHFIT Team and myself have done significant updates on the programs, the BIRTHFIT Education, and the overall structure and operations of BIRTHFIT. For all of your preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum healing support please meet me over there. We have a monthly fitness membership program now—B! Community!

There are a few other things that have been brewing. Yet, it’s not appropriate to share yet. When the time is right I’ll be sure to share here first. To stay in the know make sure you’re on my newsletter. If you don’t care to stay in the know, no big deal. As I previously mentioned, my intention is to be more consistent here. You’ll get more of the raw, real, authentic me here on this site. If the real me is not for you, please simply show yourself out. No one has time for negative energy, so don’t even bring it here. I’ll be consistent in sharing things that will support women’s health, lifestyle enhancers and biohacking tools, chiropractic care, fertility and Merciér therapy, and all things movement.

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*I say shenanigans because DIVOC has over a 99% survival rate. There are 2 true pandemics that MSM won’t even acknowledge. One, obesity, diabetes, and our sedentary lifestyles. Two, CHILD TRAFFICKING.

Lindsey Mathews
30 Days of Pleasure Challenge wrap

I cannot believe yesterday wrapped our 30 Days of Pleasure Challenge. I am also still in awe of the serendipitous ways in which the Pleasure Challenge unfolded. I might have mentioned before that the Pleasure Challenge was supposed to be in February, but we didn’t feel ready or like the time was right. Little did we know that April was going to be smack dab in the middle of a shit show. Yet, it was beautiful Divine timing that I think so many of us needed, and after a few days, welcomed into our lives. 
I’ve gathered a bit of feedback from some of you. And I’d love for you to reply back to this email with your own feedback if I haven’t heard from you yet. Let’s dive into some of the feedback: 

  • A few have said that they did not have a clear understanding of what was going on. Well my friends. This was intentional. This challenge had one general rule of one hour of pleasure a day. The rest was left up to you to let go, be creative, and to explore yourself. I absolutely knew this was going to be frustrating for some of you, and others of you were going to take it and run with it. The guide was made to give you some prompts and guardrails to use if you wanted. 

  • Many have said this was the perfect timing. I’d have to agree. Regardless of your opinion on the virus and associated politics, we cannot lose sight of our values and priorities and who we are when shit gets tough. It sure is easy to live in alignment with our values when life is grand, but when life is tough that’s when it is most important to live in alignment with our values and to be very clear on who we are in this world. When shit gets tough, we get vulnerable, and if we don’t know who we are then we end up making decisions out of fear. These fear based decisions will leave us with shame and regret and definitely not feeling whole. 

  • Time blocking for the win. Many of you have commented on time blocking. For those of you that are entrepreneurs, this was nothing new. However, as a ton of people’s work shifted from the office to home, it became even more apparent that time blocking had to be a thing in order to get work done, meal prep, and have time for yourself. I’d encourage you all to continue this habit. Block out a Friday afternoon once a month to just wonder in the nearest park or take a long bath.

  • I am worthy. I deserve pleasure.” This hits home for me as I’m sure many of you. This definitely comes up during the first week or so. I know it did for me during my initial Pleasure Challenge. Sometimes we can trace this back to childhood and unpack why we don’t feel worthy or like we deserve pleasure. For me, it’s because I never saw my mother live from a place of pleasure or love her body or take time to love herself. Definitely not her fault as I’m sure she never saw a grown ass woman living in pleasure either. Your worth relates back to your core essence of your first and second chakras. First chakra has to do with your right to be here, and second chakra has to do with your right to feel. Yes, you have the right to take up space, and yes, your feelings are valid and intimacy takes practice. 

  • Seeing other women live in pleasure is motivating and gives me ideas. For most of the challenge, participants remained anonymous. Only if people wanted to share did I repost on my IG or meet up for an occasional check in. This was done intentionally as well. For many, you hear the word pleasure and automatically think masturbation. I didn’t want people to feel pressure to play or perform. I wanted this experience to be your own. Perhaps in the future we’ll have more face to face and accountability options. 

  • This shifted my perspective to find pleasure in the small things. And that’s the major reason for this challenge! We get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and mainstream media and material things. We forget that joy is at our fingertips. We are oblivious that pleasure exists within us and all around us. I genuinely hope this is one takeaway for everyone that participated. 

Again, thank you for participating in the Pleasure Challenge. I am grateful to you and your feedback. If you want to share anything else at all, please do not hesitate to reply back to this email. And, don’t forget to check out the Pleasure Shop for Yoni Serum, Body Butter, CBD products, THINX period panties, and even yoni steam products. All of these products have been carefully created and selected as they bring me joy and help me to feel sexy in my own body. I’d love for you to experience these sensual products and to feel fabulous while menstruating. 

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Hannah King
Top 10 Things I Do All Week
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People are curious as to what my morning routine looks like or what my day to day schedule includes. Honestly, no day looks like the one before. Each day is a blank canvas full of opportunities. And my number one goal is to lay my head on the pillow at night and say to myself, “I really LIVED today.” Some days HEART FULL LIVING may include a morning walk to the coffee shop to return home and immediately start writing and creating, while other days I’ll start with a meditation, breath work, and movement followed by a dreamy cup of butter coffee so that I have fuel for one or two back to back meetings. Some days may be completely adventurous like attending a birth and then skating in a parking garage like I’m a teenager, while the next day may be chiropractic care in an office, video meetings, coaching fitness, and writing blogs and creating content for BIRTHFIT. The unifying strings of all my daily activities is that I make a solid effort to be 100% present. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing or with who because that moment deserves my undivided attention.

That said, discipline plays a big role in self love and freedom for me. For me, discipline is a choice to show up for yourself and practice things that may otherwise be challenging or present an opportunity for which you can grow. Down the road, discipline leads to freedom because of the practice, the willingness to go deeper, and the soul confidence you build by continually showing up for yourself, even when it’s uncomfortable. Discipline is definitely an ingredient to HEART FULL LIVING.

Above you’ll see a list of things that are important to me and help me to optimally function. I make a solid effort to check off 3-5 of the bullet points a day. I don’t beat myself up if I miss a bullet point because it is what it is and I’m a human. I look at this list each week to see if it still checks out in my books. I revisit and reflect on each bullet point. Maybe there is a bullet point I haven’t done all week. I need to examine the why if I want to keep it on the list. Maybe there is a bullet point that I have done every day; is there a way for me to evolve this practice? I usually keep. 10-11 bullet points on this list. These are bullet points that help me to tune into me, be the best version of myself, and evolve my overall wellbeing. I’d encourage you to make a list that contributes to HEART FULL living for yourself. AND continually reflect and adapt this list as we are constantly arriving at newer versions of ourselves.

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Lindsey Mathews
Do you want kids?
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One of the questions that I get in almost every initial conversation with a new person is…

Why don’t you have kids?” or “Do you want kids?” or “What about kids?

Before we go any further, let me start by saying that this is none of your business. And who are you to ask any woman this question? Would you ask a man this question? When my ex and I broke up and parted ways, the number one question I got was, “Oh my gosh, what about kids?”. It was not, “How are you?” even though that should have been the first question. My ex and I are still good friends, and he certainly did not get a one of those questions. Yes, for all of you that asked me that question I sure did flip you off in my head.

So here’s my public statement:

I love and respect the mother archetype. I have a career dedicated to empowering and educating mothers. My grandmothers, my mother, and aunts are some of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. And at this moment, I am living out my calling which includes my expression of the mother archetype that may look a little different compared to something you’ve imagined because of your current belief system. I have always followed my intuition and believed in a higher power. I serve outside the traditional societal boundaries. I trust the truth in my heart and will always follow my own inner compass. I love my life and I’m grateful for my life every day.

If the opportunity presents itself for me to put the mother hat on in the traditional way you may be thinking of, then I will, and I will show up raw, vulnerable, and courageous to surrender to my higher power. Just like I’ve witnessed in my maternal lineage and in all my clients and patients. However, I am embracing and loving my current expression of being a mother, which includes caring for and supporting many humans, my cat, and my plant babies.

Believe me, every woman is aware of her biological clock. If you’ve never checked out my company BIRTHFIT now would be a great time. Thank you for asking as I know you only asked from a place of caring and concern. Yet, word to this wise, I would not recommend asking a woman that question again. Time to evolve just a bit.

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Lindsey Mathews